Fpt Slovakia celebrates 10 years on the Slovak IT market

Fpt Slovakia celebrates 10 years on the Slovak IT market

The power of diversity and potential for the European market

Košice 17. 9. 2024 – Fpt Slovakia, which builds on the solid foundations of global giant Fpt Software, celebrates its 10th anniversary on the IT services and technology market. The history of Fpt Slovakia began in 2014, when it entered the Slovak IT market as the first Asian investor in the Eastern Slovakia region. Over the decade of its existence, the company has become a key player not only within Slovakia, but also throughout Europe, where it has made a significant contribution to the growth and strengthening of the multinational position of the international corporation FPT. It employs almost 500 IT specialists across Slovakia.

Fpt Slovakia, Over the last ten years, Fpt Slovakia, as one of the members of IT Valley, has transformed from a single-customer focused company to a strategic partner and professionally oriented company. Today, it is a carrier of technological innovation and an important part of the complex portfolio of services that Fpt Software offers to its customers on both the European and international markets. Thanks to its continuous growth and development of competencies, or service delivery, the company has also expanded its portfolio of partnership opportunities across a wide range of key customers worldwide.

As part of a global corporation, Fpt Slovakia has strong support in the form of an extensive technology background and experience from its global operations. This enables it not only to respond to the current needs of the European market, but also to anticipate and set future trends. The company achieved significant business successes in the past year. Total revenues exceeded EUR 25 million, with sales exceeding 30% and profits over 40%. This growth is a proof of the effective strategy and efforts, as well as the expertise of the employees, and is also a significant benefit to the Košice community through the strengthening of job positions..

Our journey from humble beginnings to a prominent position in the European market is a story of growth and success that is the result of the hard work and talent of our employees, said Coi Tran, Managing Director of Fpt Slovakia. He added that the combination of Slovak precision and Vietnamese innovation creates a unique dynamic that drives the company forward. This diversity, as well as FPT's core values of commitment and loyalty, drive the innovation and quality that the company offers to its customers. At Fpt Slovakia, we know that it is thanks to our strong human capital that our company will continue to grow and expand,“ added Coi Tran. And as the company moves forward by leaps and bounds thanks to its human capital, looking after its employees is an important part of its strategy. For several years now, Fpt Slovakia has been one of the top employers in the IT sector.

The rapid development and progress, especially in the IT world, has taken an incredible tempo in recent years, and Fpt Slovakia has not been left behind. The transition to the cloud, the development of artificial intelligence and automation, as well as the increased emphasis on cybersecurity and privacy have been key changes in its noticeable progress. Modern technologies such as AI, DevOps and IoT have transformed the way applications are developed and managed, while data science and big data have enabled deeper analytics and predictions. IT today plays a key role in all aspects of business, providing faster, more scalable and secure solutions. The fact that the IT sector has moved forward significantly in 10 years is evidenced by the proportion of women in IT companies. In Fpt Slovakia, the ratio of men and women is almost equal, currently employing 42% of women, while in managerial positions this figure is even higher, with up to 47% belonging to the fairer sex.

Fpt Slovakia's ten-year journey of progress would not be complete without activities focused on social responsibility, education and relations with universities in the region. Fpt Slovakia has long been cooperating with TUKE and UPJŠ universities. A number of Fpt Slovakia employees, whose expertise covers the company's key projects, also teach professional subjects or regularly educate students through invited lectures. They thus contribute to improving the qualifications of young people on the labour market in the IT sector. At the same time, Fpt Slovakia has been successfully implementing the project of professional academies for almost 10 years, from which it has gained a number of talented employees from the ranks of developers, testers and SAP consultants..

Fpt Slovakia has been providing IT services to customers in various industries such as utilities, manufacturing, healthcare, multimedia, e-commerce sales, and strong players in the energy and automotive segments for the past ten years. It works with newest technologies, which makes its spectrum of competencies quite broad and diverse. We are leaders in the implementation and maintenance of SAP solutions, we deal with software design, development and maintenance, independent testing and quality assurance of IT services within the energy sector. We are also partners for innovative solutions in E-mobility, Smart Home, and Renewables, revealed Managing Director of the company Coi Tran.

As the company's portfolio of services is constantly expanding, the company is intensively looking for additional specialists for project as well as support activities in various areas. It is focusing on rapidly advancing technologies such as Google Cloud Platform, ServiceNow, AI, IoT, green energy management application development, Sharepoint, Java, Autosar, BTP or SAP S/4 Hana implementation. Cloud is also a significant growth area.

Fpt Slovakia súčasťou Digital Future

Fpt Slovakia súčasťou Digital Future

Otvárame dvere k lepšej budúcnosti

Vo svete plnom rýchlych technologických zmien a stále narastajúcej digitalizácie je vzdelávanie kľúčom k úspechu. Pre deti a mladých ľudí pochádzajúcich zo znevýhodneného prostredia, kde finančné prostriedky často nestačia na splnenie ich snov, je prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelaniu ešte dôležitejší. Aj preto sme sa v Fpt Slovakia rozhodli naskočiť na vlnu dobrovoľníctva a zapojiť sa do zmysluplného projektu vzdelávania Digital Future.

Digital Future pomáha rásť

Digital Future je jeden zo štipendijných programov organizácie Úsmev ako dar, ktorý slúži na dovzdelávanie mladých ľudí z centier pre deti a rodinu alebo z menej podnetného a chudobného prostredia. Našou snahou je nielen poskytovať finančnú podporu, ale aj praktické zručnosti, ktoré pomôžu týmto talentovaným mladým ľuďom uplatniť sa na trhu práce a prelomiť tak začarovaný kruh chudoby,“ prezradil Radoslav Dráb z organizácie Úsmev ako dar.

Momentálne je do tohto programu zapojených 21 stredoškolákov a vysokoškolákov zo Slovenska a Ukrajiny vo veku od 16 do 23 rokov. Vzdelávanie bude prebiehať v priestoroch Fpt Slovakia, kde sa im budú venovať naši kolegovia, ktorí sa dobrovoľne rozhodli prispieť k rozvoju týchto mladých ľudí.

Lektori z FPT zdieľajú svoje vedomosti

My v Fpt Slovakia sme hrdí na to, že môžeme byť súčasťou tejto prospešnej iniciatívy. Rozhodli sme sa prispieť k rozšíreniu obzorov týchto mladých ľudí a pomôcť im presadiť sa na trhu práce. Aj vďaka našim lektorom, ktorí sú súčasťou viacerých FPT komunít zameraných na podporu vzdelávania, sa nám podarilo vytvoriť skutočne výživný obsah jednotlivých workshopov,“ ozrejmila HR manažérka Lucia Tomková.

Naša spoločnosť spolu s Telegrafiou, ktorá sa zamerala na rozširovanie vedomostí v Exceli, ponúka komplexný vzdelávací balík. Ten zahŕňa vzdelávanie v technologických oblastiach, ako Power BI, Cybersecurity, využitie AI technológií, základy projektového manažmentu, ale aj rozvoj osobného brandu na sieti Linkedin, tvorbu profesionálneho CV a prípravu na pracovný pohovor so skúseným recruiterom či rozvoj talentov prostredníctvom platformy Gallup s našou certifikovanou koučkou.

Pozitívna zmena

Veríme, že týmto programom prispejeme k pozitívnej zmene a pomôžeme týmto mladým ľuďom pootvoriť dvere k lepšej budúcnosti. Spoločne s našimi kolegami sa tešíme na spoluprácu a na to, že budeme svedkami rastu a úspechov týchto talentovaných študentov.

Happy Tour on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of FPT

Happy Tour on the occasion of the 35th anniversary of FPT

On the occasion of the 35th anniversary of FPT Corporation, the founders of FPT decided to visit several foreign subsidiaries, in order to meet people who are involved in the successful progress of one of the strongest players in the IT market. The grand finale of the so-called Happy Tour, a 2-week trip, during which they visited subsidiaries in Asia and Europe, was undoubtedly a visit to Fpt Slovakia.

The initial impetus to undertake such an exceptional trip was the unique opportunity to meet and talk to employees in other countries who are trying to strengthen FPT's position in the global market through projects for strategic customers. An equally important aspect of this visit was to learn more about the key projects that the various offices are working on, but most importantly to celebrate the round birthday together in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

women in IT

The employees of Fpt Slovakia welcomed the founders in the spirit of Slovak traditions in traditional costume, with bread and salt. They made use of their presence and the opportunity to learn directly from them about the establishment and the exciting journey of FPT's development over the past 35 years. Speaking on behalf of the founders, they were addressed by FPT Vice Chairman Mr. Bui Quang Ngoc, who shared FPT's success story during his opening remarks, stressing that FPT Slovakia has a priceless meaning in FPT's "billion-dollar" journey.

"FPT Software's goal is to become a $5 billion company in the near future with a rapidly growing business and research that will serve thousands of clients worldwide. Fpt Slovakia with its team of experts will continue to be an important part of this story from the position as the best employer," added Fpt Slovakia's CEO, Coi Tran.

After the official introduction, the founders of FPT had the opportunity and a unique chance to take a "behind the scenes" look at the projects of the Slovak subsidiary and talk not only with the managers but also directly with the developers and testers of our projects.

"When I first met one of the founders, vice CEO of FPT Mr. Tran Dang Hoa, I wasn’t working for FPT back then. After talking to him, I got the opportunity to travel to Vietnam, which was one of the greatest experiences of my life. Today, it's been almost 5 years and I don't regret my decision. It was a great honour to meet the other founders today and show them not only the results of my work, but also the vision of further development of FPT in the field of IoT and Intelligent Building Management," revealed impressions of the visit Tomáš Lörinc, one of the developers at Fpt Slovakia who presented the unique technologies we are working on to the precious visit,

FPT Genom

At the end FPT Vice Chairman Mr. Bui Quang Ngoc gave a symbolic gift of the FPT Gene to Fpt Slovakia CEO Coi Tran as a token of appreciation which represents the image of the common spirit and culture of FPT. He also expressed his hope that Fpt Slovakia will persevere in its efforts and continue to shine on the path of success that has propelled the FPT fleet to be among the most successful international IT companies of today.

FPT rozdáva zážitky na Night of Chances IT

FPT rozdáva zážitky na Night of Chances IT

Jednou z najväčších IT akcií tohto roka pre študentov a mladých ľudí, ktorých zaujíma práca v IT, je bezpochyby kariérny event  Night of Chances IT. Okrem množstva zaujímavých ľudí, pracovných ponúk či firiem sa môžeš na pôde FEI STU v Bratislave, v stredu 22. 3. 2023 o 17.00 hod., stretnúť aj s našimi kolegami z Fpt Slovakia, ktorí ti predstavia spoločnosť a aktuálne rozpracované projekty. Navyše, trom šťastlivcom darujú zážitok v podobe bezkonkurenčných lístkov na hudobný festival LOVESTREAM 2023, kde to rozbalí aj jedna v súčasnosti z najžiadanejších kapiel IMAGINE DRAGONS.

Jedinečný zážitok, jedinečný kolektív

Keďže FPT je jedinečný zážitok, ktorý si môžeš vychutnávať s priateľmi alebo v jedinečnom kolektíve podobne naladených ľudí, rozhodli sme sa v rámci Night of Chances IT usporiadať súťaž o lístky na letný hudobný festival. Zapojiť sa do súťaže (Štatút súťaže) máš príležitosť aj ty, stačí, ak sa zastavíš v našom štýlovo nadizajnovanom FPT stánku, kde si vytvoríš roztopašné gifko a prezdieľaš ho na svojich sociálnych sieťach. Pred koncom eventu vyžrebujeme troch výhercov, ktorí od nás získajú po dva lístky.

Night of Chances IT zaujme variabilitou

V rámci Night of Chances IT, ktorý nie je len klasickým pracovným veľtrhom, ale aj inovatívnym kariérnym formátom s netradičným konceptom, sa môžeš tešiť aj na náš do špiku vyladený FPT workshop s témou Inteligentná domácnosť. Samozrejme, nájdeš tu aj okrem štandardného priestoru pre prezentáciu spoločnosti ďalšie zaujímavé workshopy pod vedením skúsených expertov, prednášky či diskusie so zástupcami firiem zvučných mien, ako aj speed dating s príležitosťou porozprávať sa s C-level odborníkmi medzi štyrmi očami. Na zahodenie nie je ani príležitosť nadväzovať nové kontakty počas občerstvenia na „afterke“ a my sa už teraz tešíme, že spoznáme množstvo mladých IT talentov.

Fpt Slovakia na stupni víťazov

Fpt Slovakia na stupni víťazov

Naša kontinuálna snaha poskytovať nielen kvalitné služby zákazníkom, ale hlavne napĺňať všetky potreby našich zamestnancov, aj nad rámec tých bežných, sa začiatkom roka zúročila v podobe 2. miesta v ankete portálu Profesia – Najatraktívnejší zamestnávateľ (Najzamestnávateľ) v kategórii IT a Telekomunikácie. Hrdosť a opojnú emóciu úspechu vystriedal pocit zodpovednosti a záväzku voči zamestnancom pre zachovanie nastavených štandardov. A keďže sme už neraz dokázali, že naše myslenie je „out of the box“, už teraz pracujeme na tom, aby sme opäť dokázali posunúť hranice našich možností.

A aké kritériá by mal teda podľa portálu Profesia spĺňať ten najzamestnávateľ? Také, ktorých správna kombinácia vytvára priaznivé pracovné prostredie či spokojných a lojálnych zamestnancov s pridanou hodnotou na trhu práce. U nás v Fpt Slovakia sme rokmi skúšania odhalili ten správne vyvážený pomer, ako sa stať zamestnávateľom, ktorého zamestnanci sa tešia na každodenné pracovné povinnosti a zadania.

Hlasujúci teda ocenili naše benefity, a to hlavne flexibilný pracovný čas, prácu z domu či firemné eventy. Samozrejmosťou je aj kolektív a ľudia, príjemné pracovné prostredie, ako aj dobré meno spoločnosti a možnosť profesijného rastu.

“Rok 2022 bol pre našu spoločnosť Fpt Slovakia dôležitým nielen z hľadiska rýchleho rastu a rozširovania radov zamestnancov, ale aj implementácie zaujímavých a inovatívnych konceptov, ktoré skvalitnili celkové fungovanie a nastavenie spoločnosti. Avšak bez správnej konštelácie ľudí, by nebola možná žiadna zmena, raketové napredovanie či vyvážené fungovanie firmy. A u nás, práve to optimálne zloženie ľudí, v ktorom má každý svoje dôležité miesto, zafungovalo,” zhrnula Lucia Tomková, HR manažér Fpt Slovakia.

Veľmi citlivo vnímame aj potrebu spájať kolektív rôznymi zábavnými, ale aj vzdelávacími eventami či aktivitami. Nechýbajú u nás športové, večerné či teambuildingové eventy, ktoré sú prešpikované emóciami, zábavou a častokrát nezištnou pomocou tým menej šťastným. Je pre nás nesmierne dôležité, aby sa každý člen nášho tímu cítil výnimočne a komfortne pri akejkoľvek aktivite.

A ako ocenený Najzamestnávateľ roka 2022 máme v pláne naďalej rásť a napredovať aj v tomto roku. Neustále rozširujeme náš tím developerov, testerov, manažérov, konzultantov, ako aj ďalších pozícií, nakoľko naši dlhoroční zákazníci nás považujú za stabilného a spoľahlivého partnera, ktorý dokáže držať krok v rýchlo sa vyvíjajúcom svete biznisu.

We awarded the active participation and contribution of our employees

We awarded the active participation and contribution of our employees

We haven’t broken the yearly tradition of giving the FPT TOP PERFORMER awards, not even this year. The common denominator of the candidates for this price is a significant contribution for the company in the form of fulfilling the goals. The choice of colleagues for this award is a difficult process because only the best of the best have met in our company. A group of five ended up in the role of the nominees this year, as they shone a bit brighter than the other ones thanks to their year-long work and activities. They are connected by extraordinary personal development, exceptional performance, by which they contributed to the significant progress of the company by participation in key projects or by prestigious representation of the company and by creating its positive image.

Veronika Staruchová – professional in every aspect

The first awarded employee was our purposeful and ambitions colleague Veronika Staruchová. Her successful journey in FPT began in 2015, when the history of the ServiceNow programme began to be written. Step by step, as she was getting to know the project, the team for the important customer has grown and Veronika held the so-called Quality Gate and in the following years the programme thrived only more and more. Thanks to her exceptional pre-sale abilities, we got many well-known customers.

Her inexhaustible work gained success on various events, where she presented the ServiceNow programme through various forums and channels. Together with other colleagues, she made use of her experiences when working with the unique global programme (EU/APAC) for education in ServiceNow, where she was overseeing the output quality. On top of that, she designed the whole Service Offering in ServiceNow, which she presents every month to the potential customers.

Her superiors regard Veronika as a purposeful and incredibly competent person. Besides her incredible work tempo, she's a full-time mother. We were interested in how it is possible to combine such great work engagement, self-discipline, and ardour to the project together with the motherly duties toward a small boy.

“Purposefulness, diligence and self-discipline are a big part of me in privacy as well, so luckily it isn't something I have to find or force myself into. . When it comes to diligence, I like my job and I enjoy the technology I've been working with since 2014 and most of all I like to explore new challenges and I want for our team to move forward,“ Veronika commented on her work engagement.

“I'm aware that my actions or reactions influence others, and I take it really seriously. To combine a small child with work definitely wasn't easy, and I remember many people discouraging me, but in my opinion where's will there's a way. I think that I'm a living example, that family and career can be combined, but it's necessary to set boundaries so that the person manages everything he or she puts on the shoulders.”

And her plans for future?

Where would she like to move forward? “When it comes to a vision for the future, I definitely want our ServiceNow team to move forward, to open new areas we will be able to cover, to find colleagues in new localities and most of all to enable our people to grow. I believe we have a tendency to achieve all this and much more.”

Milan Peťko – a poet with IT soul

To a roaring applause, Milan Peťko – our stalwart in the starry sky of FPT received the award as well. Milan, who’s the part of our team already since 2006 worked shortly as SAP consultant. Later he got interested in the area he's working in until today, and he's one of our most experienced ABAP programmers.

Everyone, who wants to get better in their job and achieve new goals knows, that it's impossible without constant self-studying. That's why Milan wasn't waiting with folded hands for the success and used his work enthusiasm and started to educate himself systematically. He implemented the gained skills into the company. The foreign customers turn to Milan frequently and with confidence thanks to his high level of expertise. Always and under any circumstances, he's willing to share his experience and knowledge, helps the less-experienced colleagues, and he constantly motivates them to a better performance.

Milan is known among colleagues because of his humour, by which he overcomes all communication barriers, and changes the formal relations to friendly ones. Besides diligence and purposefulness, he got a soul of a poet, thanks to which he creates a unique poetry to cheer the colleagues and friends. He's also familiar with presentation skills, which he frequently uses not only when teaching in the company, but also in mentoring of students at university faculties in Košice. He successfully represented the FPT company on many professional events.

We asked Milan, what contributes to his loyalty towards the company, as he's been in FPT for almost 17 years and also what motivates him and what does he like about his position.

“I work in a perfect team, where we support each other. I like about my position, that I can do not only support, but also work on new innovative projects.”

Rasťo Beťko – an inexhaustible well of ideas

Another of the awarded ones, who got to the stage, was Rasťo Beťko - SAP consultant in FPT Czech. Even though he came to FPT in March this year, he became a part of the team unbelievably fast and shortly after he became a desired mentor for our newcomers. His extensive experience on the SAP business consultant position predestined him for success, he wasn't waiting long for. He's one of the key adepts to become a full partner in the SAP S/4 Cloud Area. During his short but intensive stay, he already managed to take part in two S/4HANA implementation projects, even though he was only getting used to the work of SAP consultant at that time.

Rasťo is a person, who constantly brings new ideas to the wide range of company processes. He is also a convincing recruiter, as he recommended his former colleagues to become a part of our FPT family.

When we asked him, where does he get the motivation and driving power for his brisk tempo and many ideas, he answered humbly and honestly:

“I'm a newcomer in the company and as for everyone new, the driving power are the new people, new environment, technology, and processes. The colleagues motivate me the most by sharing their knowledge and experience, and thanks to that we move forward together.”

Anna Vojtková – with IT in blood

Talented tester Anka Vojtková wasn't missing at the award ceremony. Her name became known to the colleagues in connection to the ServiceNow programme, where she tenaciously worked as the first tester. Even though she hasn't been in FPT for a long time, with her diligence and purposefulness she has rightfully defended her place in the spotlight and has already tried to be a test manager in one of the leading projects.

Anka came to FPT last year in August and this year the new Academists got to meet her, when she taught them the basics of testing and agile testing. She wasn't idle in her activities, and she proactively took part in documents update, which all testers read as a part of the new regulation.

From her approach to work, it's obvious that she enjoys working in FPT. That's why we asked her if she always wanted to work in IT.

“I was always interested in IT. I studied finance, and in my dissertation, I created the analysis in a way I could script econometric models. On top of that, most of my family works in IT area,” revealed Anka with a smile.

Maroš Dzuriš – experienced mentor in body and soul

The colleague Maroš Dzuriš closed the group of this-year's five TOP PERFORMERS. His potential showed at the beginning of the summer in 2011. After his participation in the FPT Summer School, he decided that he will become a part-timer on the Test Analyst position and enter a career life. But in spring 2012, his colleague lured him to the team of test automation engineers, where he has stayed until today and has reached one success after another. He was there when the CME department was created as one of the Test Automation Leads, where he as an experienced mentor supported the less experienced, younger colleagues..

As an expert in a particular topic, he started to take part in various presales activities, POC, analysis, and proposals for customers and he does so even today. The fact that the test automation is alpha and omega for him is obvious because he can talk about it with enthusiasm for hours during various events such as Summer School, Cool School, FPT Test Hub, FPT IT Academy, RPA Academy, Test Academy and many more

And what motivates Maroš to continuously deliver such highly rated performances?

“Every day is different. Sometimes it's my colleagues, other times an interesting work challenge. But one thing is for sure, I would like to continue to expand my knowledge, to improve my soft skills and to dedicate myself to passing on my experience to the young talents within the Fpt Slovakia. What's next? We'll see where the fate will take me,” uzavrel svoje rozjímanie milovník pretekárskych áut a rally podujatí.

FPT TOP PERFORMERS and PATRIOTS 2022 together on one stage

The award ceremony FPT TOP PERFORMER 2022 took place on the Employee Assembly - employees' meeting in a magical mountain hotel in Tale region. Besides the award, which reflects a significant contribution to the company, every year we award loyalty as well. Together with the commitment it’s also about values on which the basic principles of our company are built. Every year we express our thanks and respect by the award FPT PATRIOT to the employees, who have been with us already for 15 years. This year, we thank the nine brave ones - Selma Drvenica, Danka Dubcová, Ondro Hugáň, Marta Ivanová, Stanka Kolarčíková, Táňa Kuchtaninová, Ján Péti, Mário Tóth a Veronika Zvirinská. THANK YOU!
