Fpt Slovakia súčasťou Digital Future

Fpt Slovakia súčasťou Digital Future

Otvárame dvere k lepšej budúcnosti

Vo svete plnom rýchlych technologických zmien a stále narastajúcej digitalizácie je vzdelávanie kľúčom k úspechu. Pre deti a mladých ľudí pochádzajúcich zo znevýhodneného prostredia, kde finančné prostriedky často nestačia na splnenie ich snov, je prístup ku kvalitnému vzdelaniu ešte dôležitejší. Aj preto sme sa v Fpt Slovakia rozhodli naskočiť na vlnu dobrovoľníctva a zapojiť sa do zmysluplného projektu vzdelávania Digital Future.

Digital Future pomáha rásť

Digital Future je jeden zo štipendijných programov organizácie Úsmev ako dar, ktorý slúži na dovzdelávanie mladých ľudí z centier pre deti a rodinu alebo z menej podnetného a chudobného prostredia. Našou snahou je nielen poskytovať finančnú podporu, ale aj praktické zručnosti, ktoré pomôžu týmto talentovaným mladým ľuďom uplatniť sa na trhu práce a prelomiť tak začarovaný kruh chudoby,“ prezradil Radoslav Dráb z organizácie Úsmev ako dar.

Momentálne je do tohto programu zapojených 21 stredoškolákov a vysokoškolákov zo Slovenska a Ukrajiny vo veku od 16 do 23 rokov. Vzdelávanie bude prebiehať v priestoroch Fpt Slovakia, kde sa im budú venovať naši kolegovia, ktorí sa dobrovoľne rozhodli prispieť k rozvoju týchto mladých ľudí.

Lektori z FPT zdieľajú svoje vedomosti

My v Fpt Slovakia sme hrdí na to, že môžeme byť súčasťou tejto prospešnej iniciatívy. Rozhodli sme sa prispieť k rozšíreniu obzorov týchto mladých ľudí a pomôcť im presadiť sa na trhu práce. Aj vďaka našim lektorom, ktorí sú súčasťou viacerých FPT komunít zameraných na podporu vzdelávania, sa nám podarilo vytvoriť skutočne výživný obsah jednotlivých workshopov,“ ozrejmila HR manažérka Lucia Tomková.

Naša spoločnosť spolu s Telegrafiou, ktorá sa zamerala na rozširovanie vedomostí v Exceli, ponúka komplexný vzdelávací balík. Ten zahŕňa vzdelávanie v technologických oblastiach, ako Power BI, Cybersecurity, využitie AI technológií, základy projektového manažmentu, ale aj rozvoj osobného brandu na sieti Linkedin, tvorbu profesionálneho CV a prípravu na pracovný pohovor so skúseným recruiterom či rozvoj talentov prostredníctvom platformy Gallup s našou certifikovanou koučkou.

Pozitívna zmena

Veríme, že týmto programom prispejeme k pozitívnej zmene a pomôžeme týmto mladým ľuďom pootvoriť dvere k lepšej budúcnosti. Spoločne s našimi kolegami sa tešíme na spoluprácu a na to, že budeme svedkami rastu a úspechov týchto talentovaných študentov.

We desire to inspire and forward the chain of good deeds

We desire to inspire and forward the chain of good deeds

Help someone who can't help themselves. Changing their destiny, inspiring others and forwarding good is of great importance. It shapes not only the individual, but also us as a community.

At Fpt Slovakia, we regularly cooperate with various organizations. We help where people have lost the most important thing they have, their home, their parents, their sense of security. We support the spread of first aid awareness among young children. We work with organizations that care for children with intellectual, sensory and physical disabilities.


Our most intensive and longest cooperation is connected with the organization Úsmev ako dar, with which we have been cooperating for more than 10 years. Its trigger was a stimulus from management and a willingness to support a good idea. We saw an example from abroad, the activities of our "parent" company, and we wanted to get involved. Change the thinking of our colleagues, the nature of our events. We started in Dorka (Center for children and family) and helped with the construction of a playground.

The volunteering we do within the company is a great idea. Meaningful spending time combined with fun with colleagues and building team spirit in a joint activity, supplemented by selfless help to those who need it most, is a priceless feeling“, says Katka, an active participant in volunteer activities at Fpt Slovakia.

The activity was a success not only for our colleagues, we also received the VIA BONA award thanks to it. They appreciated our original idea - to change the character of teambuilding activities from a sports day to a volunteer day.

With times as well as the needs of the organization changing, we too are adjusting our activities and collaboration with "Úsmev" people. In addition to direct assistance, we financially support the construction of social rental housing, we help with the return of children to school, with the purchase of food, books, gifts under the Christmas tree. Our colleagues, even in managerial positions, often do not hesitate to "get dirty" and personally help with the construction of help centers.

"Fpt is about people. About the people we can always turn to, whether with predictable events - such as the beginning of the school year, which in this pandemic period tends to be even more financially demanding, especially for poor families. Fpt is a team of people where we can knock on doors extraordinarily if the story of a man who needs help appears. It is a team of people who do not hesitate to find a solution for a person, family or child. This is Fpt and this is very rare nowadays,"describes the cooperation Radoslav Dráb, chairman of the Košice branch of the organization Úsmev ako dar.


In a few days, 44 children from the ZEM DETÍ organization will move to the summer camp, which we have supported financially. But summer will be quickly over, so we are already thinking together with the "Úsmev" people about how to help children with their return to school as part of our internal project „Back to school“.

In September, also thanks to our grant program implemented in cooperation with the Red Cross, children at six Košice primary schools will be educated in the provision of first aid in an experiential way.

We plan to continue to support organizations with which we have long-term cooperation, but of course also to listen to our colleagues and direct help to where it is most needed.

We desire to continue to inspire, ignite hearts and forward the chain of good deeds.

 „Start Small Dream Big“.



“For someone, the world may seem a great disappointment until someone, anyone, takes matters into his own hands and helps to change things“. In the beginning there was a desire to help, and the idea of sending good and good deeds further. Help those who can’t help themselves and inspire others. Create a kind of imaginary chain of good deeds and pass on the good. Start Small Dream Big. prvá pomocFirst, executives started cooperation with the Red Cross and within it a grant program for elementary schools “VALENTÍNKA AND HER FRIENDS”. Together, we started to raise awareness about the first aid education, especially in primary schools. All this in a playful way, so that even the smallest children would not have fear in unexpected situations and could react adequately and age-appropriately. 358 children in three elementary schools went through all possible scenarios in an experiential way. We moved our cooperation with the Red Cross all the way to the individual help to Samko. His illness does not allow him to walk and thanks to our contribution he could exercise for 4 months using a special method THERASUIT. We got also involved in the Valentine’s drop of blood. Afterwards, the teams passed the torch between each other.Every month different team. Our idea was for each team to meet, share ideas as whom and how to help, and to do it together and of course to open the idea and the desire to help to other colleagues from the company an avalanche of good deeds. And thus, also thanks to us, Malá farma in Košice has a new floor in the housing unit, cleaned gates, doorframes and walls, dogs who got some fresh air and money to buy food and material. We have supported the most valuable there is – human life – during the Valentine’s drop of blood. We have supported the seriously handicapped Danka by purchasing her children’s book. We have cleaned Hornád and Bankov by collecting 30 bags of waste. We have launched a cooperation with the Early Intervention Centre in Košice and together came up with a project for producing sensomotoric aids for children with special needs, so that their mums can spare 2 hours for sleep. Dom pokojnej staroby A.F.Colbrieho. The family centre STONOŽKA has a new and funny obstacle course and new premises. We have adopted 5 trees in a nearby park and helped to plant 162 more in Vietnam. We have helped the organization SVETIELKO POMOCI and its Centre of family support with garden adjustment. We have looked at the microclimate of our city and helped to create rain garden at Kukučínova street. We have dismantled and cleaned an old shed and thus helped our colleague. We have adjusted the terrain on the Šarišský hrad and on the nature trail Lužný les in the Košice ZOO help to treat the wood. In the Social house of St. Norbert in Jasov we have helped to wreck, clear debris, lay concrete and paint so that families with children in need had a roof over their heads. vlasyAnd what’s most important, since doing good is contagiousour colleagues have started to join our initiative individually. The Association STORMwhich is focusing on a terrain work with drug-addicted people has got, thanks to Ondrej, a car. Lucia has cut her hair to make wig for an oncological patient. Erika has motivated her friends to bring her one gift instead of flowers to her wedding for children after an oncological treatment in a hospital. And that’s just the ones we have learned about. Together we have helped more than 200 times. Our goal, to create a chain of good deeds, send good further and at the same time inspire other people, has come true.
