Oslavujeme ženskosť a jej prínos do IT sveta

Oslavujeme ženskosť a jej prínos do IT sveta

Sú silné, odhodlané, cieľavedomé, empatické, komunikatívne, ale hlavne odvážne. Také sú ženy v IT svete, ale hlavne u nás v FPT. Majú obrovský potenciál, ktorý je často prínosom v tomto rýchlo sa rozvíjajúcom odvetví. Hoci v časoch nedávno minulých dominovali tomuto sektoru hlavne muži, dnes sa čoraz viac stáva prístupnejší aj pre ženy, ktoré doň svojím odlišným uhlom pohľadu vnášajú svieži vietor. Ich rozmanitosť, schopnosť komunikácie, tímová spolupráca či silná túžba vymaniť sa z bežného stereotypu z nich robia silných hráčov aj vo svete informačných technológií. V rámci Medzinárodného dňa žien v IT sme sa preto rozhodli vyspovedať naše kolegyne naprieč rôznymi pracovnými pozíciami, ktoré však spája ich nezlomná sila a odvaha. Všetko najlepšie úžasným a úspešným ženám, nielen v IT!

Karolína Štieberová, PreSales konzultantka

Karolína je na pozícii PreSales konzultantka necelý rok, no svojou odvahou a zápalom je inšpiráciou pre mnohé kolegyne. Na IT sektore ju zaujali hlavne jeho možnosti a kariérny rast, ktorý núka. Kľúčom uspieť je podľa nej vzdelávanie a naberanie skúseností, ako aj rozmanitých zručností.

Karolína, podľa teba je výhodou alebo nevýhodou, že v IT je prevaha mužov? V čom spočíva podľa teba výhoda žien pracujúcich v IT?

Jednoznačne je to nevýhodou. V IT priemysle by mala byť rovnaká príležitosť pre mužov aj ženy, a teda aj ich rovnaké zastúpenie. Kvalitné tímy by mali byť rôznorodé, pretože to pomáha priniesť iný pohlaď na veci. Nedostatok diverzity môže mať v tíme negatívny vplyv na kreativitu, produktivitu a schopnosť riešiť problémy.

Ako sa ti podarilo alebo darí, dosiahnuť rovnováhu medzi osobným a pracovným životom v tomto náročnom odvetví?

Pravdou je, že je veľmi náročné nájsť balans, keď človek pracuje z domu. Častokrát je to aj na úkor voľného času, pretože prostredie domova je zároveň aj pracovným prostredím. Mne osobne pomáha, keď si určím priority v daný deň. Spíšem si zoznam úloh, ktoré ma čakajú a následne si premyslím aktivity, ktoré rada robím vo voľnom čase a ktorým by som sa po práci chcela venovať, inými slovami: plánujem si čas pre seba.

Čo by si odporučila ženám, ktoré chcú začať svoju kariéru v IT, aby sa cítili sebavedome a uspeli?

Získajte vedomosti a skúsenosti, nebojte sa pýtať a nebojte sa robiť chyby. Nadviažte kontakty s ľuďmi v oblasti IT a zaujímajte sa o dianie v tomto odvetví.

Diana Klimeková, SAP konzultantka    

Diana je ako SAP konzultantka v FPT už takmer 7 rokov. Táto pozícia jej učarovala ešte počas školy a kurzu, ktorý absolvovala. Jej rada pre ženy, ktoré sa boja stereotypov v IT svete je neustále vzdelávanie sa a napredovanie. Len tak možno uspieť v tak rýchlo sa meniacom svete technológií.

Diana, z tvojho pohľadu, je výhodou alebo nevýhodou, že v IT je prevaha mužov? V čom spočíva podľa teba výhoda žien pracujúcich v IT?

Považujem za výzvu, že aj ženy dokážu uspieť v čisto mužskom kolektíve a ich doméne, ktorou technológie nesporne sú.  Ženy majú zase lepšiu schopnosť komunikácie, hlavne so zákazníkom, a tak mu vedia poskytnúť riešenie priamo na mieru.

Čo ťa zaujalo na IT svete, čo bolo tvojím prvotným impulzom začať pracovať v tejto zatiaľ mužskej doméne?

IT svet má obrovský potenciál. Bola to pre mňa veľká výzva dostať sa sem a chcelo to odvahu vykročiť zo svoje komfortnej zóny. Som rada, že som ten prvý krok v ústrety vysnívanej budúcnosti spravila.

Lenka Prevužňáková, SAP Líniová manažérka

Lenka je prototypom silnej ženy, ktorá sa nebojí žiadnej výzvy. V IT sfére začínala od nuly a svojou húževnatosťou sa vypracovala až na Líniovú manažérku a tento post zastáva v FPT už 2 roky. Podľa jej slov to však bola cesta neľahká, nakoľko sa musela v priebehu roka naučiť hardvér, softvér, aplikačné vrstvy, všetky možné konfigurácie, programovacie jazyky a mnoho ďalšieho. No vďaka jej nasadeniu a cieľavedomosti dnes bez problémov konkuruje kolegom, ktorí sú v brandži omnoho dlhšie.

Lenka, v čom vidíš rozdiel medzi ženami a mužmi pracujúcimi v IT? V čom majú navrch ženy a v čom zase muži?

Rozdiel ako taký nevidím. Dôležitá je práca, ktorú vykonávajú a ich výsledky. V čom majú navrch ženy? Jednoznačne v kreativite, keďže ponúkajú nové riešenia. Sme vynaliezavé, prispôsobivé, vieme sa transformovať, čo je veľmi dôležité, keďže neustále potrebujeme nové riešenia a samozrejme zákaznícky segment nie sú len muži. A muži zase naopak vedia ísť technicky do hĺbky, sú veľmi dobrí v analýzach, ale myslím si, že obe pohlavia dokážu rovnaké veci, ak chcú.

Čo ťa zaujalo na IT svete, čo bolo tvojím prvotným impulzom začať pracovať v tejto zatiaľ mužskej doméne?

Sloboda. IT sféra nám ženám dáva slobodu. Niekedy je pre ženu veľmi ťažké ostať medzi mužmi sama sebou a obhájiť si svoje miesto. IT sféra otvorila možnosti pre každého, a teda aj pre ženy, aby mohli byť samy sebou.

Ako sa vyrovnať s prípadnými prekážkami a stereotypmi, ktoré ženy často v IT odvetví postretnú?

Vyvrátiť. Stereotypy sú tu preto, aby sme ich mohli vyvrátiť a dokázať tak, že táto všeobecná téza neplatí. Takže ani stereotyp, že žena v IT medzi mužmi nemá šancu uspieť, neobstojí pred motiváciou posilnenej ženy, ktorá je rozhodnutá pokoriť to, čo si zaumieni. Kto vie a má „Filipa“, tak je to jedno či je to žena, alebo muž.

Martina Kohútová, Test analytička

Podľa Martiny, ktorá patrí medzi FPT testerov už takmer dva roky a je hrdou držiteľkou ISTQB certifikátu, je IT odvetvie krajinou neobmedzených možností, v ktorej má každý priestor na realizáciu. A ak si nájde človek tú pravú oblasť jeho záujmu, je to výhodou nielen preňho, ale aj pre zamestnávateľa.

Mati sme sa spýtali, čo by odporučila ženám, ktoré chcú začať svoju kariéru v IT, aby sa cítili sebavedome a uspeli?

Určite to, aby sa nebáli. Aj ja som bola v pozícii, keď som nevedela do čoho idem a čo to všetko zahŕňa, resp. som sa bála, či tú prácu zvládnem. Čiže smelo ísť do toho, ísť si za svojím, nájsť si tú svoju vysnívanú pozíciu, ktorá ju bude baviť.

Je podľa teba výhodou alebo nevýhodou, že v IT je prevaha mužov? V čom spočíva podľa teba výhoda žien pracujúcich v IT?

Dnes sa postupne kladie čoraz väčší dôraz na variabilitu názorov a vyrovnanie rôznych uhlov pohľadu. Je len dobre, že aj do IT sveta vstupuje čoraz viac žien. Výhodou mužov je ich podkutosť v technických odboroch a to, že veľa z nich študuje technológie a majú k tomu bližšie. Naopak, výhodou žien je ich empatia, komunikácia a lepšie pochopenie potrieb zákazníka.

Veronika Skybová, Programátorka

Veronika je pomerne novým prírastkom v našej rýchlo sa rozrastajúcej FPT rodine. Na poste programátorky sa udomácnila asi pred rokom a odvtedy je plnohodnotným členom tímu, ktorý je prínosom v každej oblasti. Aj napriek tomu, že jej cesta do IT bola náročná, chce motivovať aj ďalšie ženy, aby sa nevzdávali svojho sna.

Veronika, podľa teba, akým prínosom sú ženy pre IT svet?

My ženy sme také krásne pestré, emocionálne a kreatívne osobnosti, a to všetko si nosíme so sebou aj do pracovného prostredia. Sme detailistky, rady sa učíme, veľa sa pýtame, a kým nemáme odpoveď, neprestávame. Sme chameleónky, vieme sa prispôsobiť všetkému, čo pred nás postavia, každej prekážke. Sme vytrvalé, cieľavedome ideme za tým, čo chceme dosiahnuť, a to by malo byť aj motiváciou pre tie ženy, ktoré chcú vstúpiť do IT sveta, ale majú blok či zábrany.

Čo ťa zaujalo na IT svete, čo bolo tvojím prvotným impulzom začať pracovať v tejto zatiaľ mužskej doméne?

Nie každý to povie na rovinu, ale boli to peniaze a vízia dôchodku na bielej pláži s drinkom v ruke. 😊 Ale teraz vážne. Samozrejme, táto práca sa mi páči aj kvôli ľudom, ktorí pôsobia tak uvoľnene. Nezanedbateľnou výhodou je flexibilný pracovný čas, ale aj to, že pracovná náplň nie je stereotypná, nikdy sa pri nej nenudím a stále sa učím niečo nové od skúsených kolegov. Nestagnujem ako osobnosť, ale rastiem.

Fpt Slovakia na stupni víťazov

Fpt Slovakia na stupni víťazov

Naša kontinuálna snaha poskytovať nielen kvalitné služby zákazníkom, ale hlavne napĺňať všetky potreby našich zamestnancov, aj nad rámec tých bežných, sa začiatkom roka zúročila v podobe 2. miesta v ankete portálu Profesia – Najatraktívnejší zamestnávateľ (Najzamestnávateľ) v kategórii IT a Telekomunikácie. Hrdosť a opojnú emóciu úspechu vystriedal pocit zodpovednosti a záväzku voči zamestnancom pre zachovanie nastavených štandardov. A keďže sme už neraz dokázali, že naše myslenie je „out of the box“, už teraz pracujeme na tom, aby sme opäť dokázali posunúť hranice našich možností.

A aké kritériá by mal teda podľa portálu Profesia spĺňať ten najzamestnávateľ? Také, ktorých správna kombinácia vytvára priaznivé pracovné prostredie či spokojných a lojálnych zamestnancov s pridanou hodnotou na trhu práce. U nás v Fpt Slovakia sme rokmi skúšania odhalili ten správne vyvážený pomer, ako sa stať zamestnávateľom, ktorého zamestnanci sa tešia na každodenné pracovné povinnosti a zadania.

Hlasujúci teda ocenili naše benefity, a to hlavne flexibilný pracovný čas, prácu z domu či firemné eventy. Samozrejmosťou je aj kolektív a ľudia, príjemné pracovné prostredie, ako aj dobré meno spoločnosti a možnosť profesijného rastu.

“Rok 2022 bol pre našu spoločnosť Fpt Slovakia dôležitým nielen z hľadiska rýchleho rastu a rozširovania radov zamestnancov, ale aj implementácie zaujímavých a inovatívnych konceptov, ktoré skvalitnili celkové fungovanie a nastavenie spoločnosti. Avšak bez správnej konštelácie ľudí, by nebola možná žiadna zmena, raketové napredovanie či vyvážené fungovanie firmy. A u nás, práve to optimálne zloženie ľudí, v ktorom má každý svoje dôležité miesto, zafungovalo,” zhrnula Lucia Tomková, HR manažér Fpt Slovakia.

Veľmi citlivo vnímame aj potrebu spájať kolektív rôznymi zábavnými, ale aj vzdelávacími eventami či aktivitami. Nechýbajú u nás športové, večerné či teambuildingové eventy, ktoré sú prešpikované emóciami, zábavou a častokrát nezištnou pomocou tým menej šťastným. Je pre nás nesmierne dôležité, aby sa každý člen nášho tímu cítil výnimočne a komfortne pri akejkoľvek aktivite.

A ako ocenený Najzamestnávateľ roka 2022 máme v pláne naďalej rásť a napredovať aj v tomto roku. Neustále rozširujeme náš tím developerov, testerov, manažérov, konzultantov, ako aj ďalších pozícií, nakoľko naši dlhoroční zákazníci nás považujú za stabilného a spoľahlivého partnera, ktorý dokáže držať krok v rýchlo sa vyvíjajúcom svete biznisu.

We awarded the active participation and contribution of our employees

We awarded the active participation and contribution of our employees

We haven’t broken the yearly tradition of giving the FPT TOP PERFORMER awards, not even this year. The common denominator of the candidates for this price is a significant contribution for the company in the form of fulfilling the goals. The choice of colleagues for this award is a difficult process because only the best of the best have met in our company. A group of five ended up in the role of the nominees this year, as they shone a bit brighter than the other ones thanks to their year-long work and activities. They are connected by extraordinary personal development, exceptional performance, by which they contributed to the significant progress of the company by participation in key projects or by prestigious representation of the company and by creating its positive image.

Veronika Staruchová – professional in every aspect

The first awarded employee was our purposeful and ambitions colleague Veronika Staruchová. Her successful journey in FPT began in 2015, when the history of the ServiceNow programme began to be written. Step by step, as she was getting to know the project, the team for the important customer has grown and Veronika held the so-called Quality Gate and in the following years the programme thrived only more and more. Thanks to her exceptional pre-sale abilities, we got many well-known customers.

Her inexhaustible work gained success on various events, where she presented the ServiceNow programme through various forums and channels. Together with other colleagues, she made use of her experiences when working with the unique global programme (EU/APAC) for education in ServiceNow, where she was overseeing the output quality. On top of that, she designed the whole Service Offering in ServiceNow, which she presents every month to the potential customers.

Her superiors regard Veronika as a purposeful and incredibly competent person. Besides her incredible work tempo, she's a full-time mother. We were interested in how it is possible to combine such great work engagement, self-discipline, and ardour to the project together with the motherly duties toward a small boy.

“Purposefulness, diligence and self-discipline are a big part of me in privacy as well, so luckily it isn't something I have to find or force myself into. . When it comes to diligence, I like my job and I enjoy the technology I've been working with since 2014 and most of all I like to explore new challenges and I want for our team to move forward,“ Veronika commented on her work engagement.

“I'm aware that my actions or reactions influence others, and I take it really seriously. To combine a small child with work definitely wasn't easy, and I remember many people discouraging me, but in my opinion where's will there's a way. I think that I'm a living example, that family and career can be combined, but it's necessary to set boundaries so that the person manages everything he or she puts on the shoulders.”

And her plans for future?

Where would she like to move forward? “When it comes to a vision for the future, I definitely want our ServiceNow team to move forward, to open new areas we will be able to cover, to find colleagues in new localities and most of all to enable our people to grow. I believe we have a tendency to achieve all this and much more.”

Milan Peťko – a poet with IT soul

To a roaring applause, Milan Peťko – our stalwart in the starry sky of FPT received the award as well. Milan, who’s the part of our team already since 2006 worked shortly as SAP consultant. Later he got interested in the area he's working in until today, and he's one of our most experienced ABAP programmers.

Everyone, who wants to get better in their job and achieve new goals knows, that it's impossible without constant self-studying. That's why Milan wasn't waiting with folded hands for the success and used his work enthusiasm and started to educate himself systematically. He implemented the gained skills into the company. The foreign customers turn to Milan frequently and with confidence thanks to his high level of expertise. Always and under any circumstances, he's willing to share his experience and knowledge, helps the less-experienced colleagues, and he constantly motivates them to a better performance.

Milan is known among colleagues because of his humour, by which he overcomes all communication barriers, and changes the formal relations to friendly ones. Besides diligence and purposefulness, he got a soul of a poet, thanks to which he creates a unique poetry to cheer the colleagues and friends. He's also familiar with presentation skills, which he frequently uses not only when teaching in the company, but also in mentoring of students at university faculties in Košice. He successfully represented the FPT company on many professional events.

We asked Milan, what contributes to his loyalty towards the company, as he's been in FPT for almost 17 years and also what motivates him and what does he like about his position.

“I work in a perfect team, where we support each other. I like about my position, that I can do not only support, but also work on new innovative projects.”

Rasťo Beťko – an inexhaustible well of ideas

Another of the awarded ones, who got to the stage, was Rasťo Beťko - SAP consultant in FPT Czech. Even though he came to FPT in March this year, he became a part of the team unbelievably fast and shortly after he became a desired mentor for our newcomers. His extensive experience on the SAP business consultant position predestined him for success, he wasn't waiting long for. He's one of the key adepts to become a full partner in the SAP S/4 Cloud Area. During his short but intensive stay, he already managed to take part in two S/4HANA implementation projects, even though he was only getting used to the work of SAP consultant at that time.

Rasťo is a person, who constantly brings new ideas to the wide range of company processes. He is also a convincing recruiter, as he recommended his former colleagues to become a part of our FPT family.

When we asked him, where does he get the motivation and driving power for his brisk tempo and many ideas, he answered humbly and honestly:

“I'm a newcomer in the company and as for everyone new, the driving power are the new people, new environment, technology, and processes. The colleagues motivate me the most by sharing their knowledge and experience, and thanks to that we move forward together.”

Anna Vojtková – with IT in blood

Talented tester Anka Vojtková wasn't missing at the award ceremony. Her name became known to the colleagues in connection to the ServiceNow programme, where she tenaciously worked as the first tester. Even though she hasn't been in FPT for a long time, with her diligence and purposefulness she has rightfully defended her place in the spotlight and has already tried to be a test manager in one of the leading projects.

Anka came to FPT last year in August and this year the new Academists got to meet her, when she taught them the basics of testing and agile testing. She wasn't idle in her activities, and she proactively took part in documents update, which all testers read as a part of the new regulation.

From her approach to work, it's obvious that she enjoys working in FPT. That's why we asked her if she always wanted to work in IT.

“I was always interested in IT. I studied finance, and in my dissertation, I created the analysis in a way I could script econometric models. On top of that, most of my family works in IT area,” revealed Anka with a smile.

Maroš Dzuriš – experienced mentor in body and soul

The colleague Maroš Dzuriš closed the group of this-year's five TOP PERFORMERS. His potential showed at the beginning of the summer in 2011. After his participation in the FPT Summer School, he decided that he will become a part-timer on the Test Analyst position and enter a career life. But in spring 2012, his colleague lured him to the team of test automation engineers, where he has stayed until today and has reached one success after another. He was there when the CME department was created as one of the Test Automation Leads, where he as an experienced mentor supported the less experienced, younger colleagues..

As an expert in a particular topic, he started to take part in various presales activities, POC, analysis, and proposals for customers and he does so even today. The fact that the test automation is alpha and omega for him is obvious because he can talk about it with enthusiasm for hours during various events such as Summer School, Cool School, FPT Test Hub, FPT IT Academy, RPA Academy, Test Academy and many more

And what motivates Maroš to continuously deliver such highly rated performances?

“Every day is different. Sometimes it's my colleagues, other times an interesting work challenge. But one thing is for sure, I would like to continue to expand my knowledge, to improve my soft skills and to dedicate myself to passing on my experience to the young talents within the Fpt Slovakia. What's next? We'll see where the fate will take me,” uzavrel svoje rozjímanie milovník pretekárskych áut a rally podujatí.

FPT TOP PERFORMERS and PATRIOTS 2022 together on one stage

The award ceremony FPT TOP PERFORMER 2022 took place on the Employee Assembly - employees' meeting in a magical mountain hotel in Tale region. Besides the award, which reflects a significant contribution to the company, every year we award loyalty as well. Together with the commitment it’s also about values on which the basic principles of our company are built. Every year we express our thanks and respect by the award FPT PATRIOT to the employees, who have been with us already for 15 years. This year, we thank the nine brave ones - Selma Drvenica, Danka Dubcová, Ondro Hugáň, Marta Ivanová, Stanka Kolarčíková, Táňa Kuchtaninová, Ján Péti, Mário Tóth a Veronika Zvirinská. THANK YOU!

Coffee Session with Kamil

Coffee Session with Kamil

Ability to choose a job based on the future "boss" is great. So we invited our Team Leaders to a virtual cup of coffee and asked them a few questions for you. And the bosses suddenly became people of flesh and blood and helped to complete the idea of our corporate culture.

KAMIL SAGAN, Integration, Collaboration & Quality Solutions

When I get up for work, I look forward to: To walk our pet and have breakfast with my daughter.

My career path: I started my career as a Programmer Specialist. In 2012, I took on the position of Team Leader and gradually took over responsibility for Trading. Currently, as a Service Delivery Manager, together with my team, I deliver services and solutions to customers from all over the world and from several domains.

I am responsible for: I am responsible for the Delivery area entrusted to me, focusing on growth in individual areas with the help of the Bestshore model. Apart from that I am responsible for creating work orders and monthly control of delivered services with the customer. I work closely with Account Management and report directly to Head of Delivery.

The most amazing part of my job is: When we manage to get a new interesting project, when we have space for the "out of the box thinking" and when our ideas are successfully implemented with the customer.

The biggest challenge I faced: One of the most interesting ones was related to rebranding. This event was associated with the uncertainty that had to be faced and it was necessary to encourage everyone in my team that the change will bring us new opportunities and customers from all over the world.

The most memorable moment in my career:There were definitely more of them. One of them was when, after several months of effort and a series of changes, we managed to get the maximum satisfaction of an extremely demanding and always critical customer.

I expect people to: Desire to constantly learn and improve in their field, curiosity and enthusiasm for new things and technologies. I also consider the willingness to share my knowledge with others in the team and in the company to be very important.

When leading people I consider important: To have personal integrity – to mean what you say. Approach everyone fairly and give everyone space for their professional development.

When I’m not working: I like to spend time with my family and loved ones. I also like to travel for art and culture.

Coffee Session with Loránt

Coffee Session with Loránt

Ability to choose a job based on the future "boss" is great. So we invited our Team Leaders to a virtual cup of coffee and asked them a few questions for you. And the bosses suddenly became people of flesh and blood and helped to complete the idea of our corporate culture.

LORÁNT GÁTI, ERP Logistic Services

When I get up for work, I look forward to: Waking up next to my wife and having coffee with her. Learning something new, helping people in the team and solving every task so that the customer is satisfied.

My career path: Very long. A little travel around the world and then 14 years in a metallurgical company. 7 years of which in sales and then 7 years in logistics. Subsequently, I changed the industry and moved to an IT company, where after some time I was in charge of team responsible for the change requirements on the devices in the data centers. I've been at FPT since 2019.

I am responsible for: The logistics services team for ERP solutions with the main focus on SAP, in addition, I oversee the quality of SAP services provided to our customers and help acquire new customers.

The most amazing part of my job is: Working with amazing people I can learn from and support at work and also build cooperation with customers.

The biggest challenge I faced: For me, every challenge is an opportunity and when talking about occasions, I follow Richard Brandson's motto "If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you can do it, say yes - then learn how to do it later ”. The big challenge and at the same time opportunity for me was the change of industry after 14 years of experience (transition from the metallurgical industry to IT) that I have managed successfully.

The most memorable moment in my career: There were several for sure, but I will mention this one: …When I got an Oscar for the role of the best "boss". It was a farewell from my previous team. I really appreciate it.

I expect from people: First and foremost open communication, team spirit, responsibility and of course good cooperation.

When leading people I consider important: Trying to find a way to each person in the team and lead him individually. Adding value to people every day and trying to develop them. Leaving them independent, but at the same time being ready to support them when they need it. Not looking at failures as something bad, but perceiving them as a space for learning and improvement. I also consider it important to build a feedback culture.

When I’m not working: I spend time with my family, working around the house and in the garden listening to music

Coffee Session with Robo

Coffee Session with Robo

Ability to choose a job based on the future "boss" is great. So we invited our Team Leaders to a virtual cup of coffee and asked them a few questions for you. And the bosses suddenly became people of flesh and blood and helped to complete the idea of our corporate culture.

RÓBERT ŽELIZŇÁK, Finance and Controlling

When I get up for work, I look forward to: Lunch.

My career path: In IT, it started with the first steps with a PC still in the time of the Didaktik Alfa and PMD 85. When I first started working, I started as an SAP IS-U consultant and gradually went through several modules (FI-CA, Master Data, CIC, Device Management, IDE). After a few years, in addition to consulting work, I also accepted the role of a team leader. Another milestone was taking responsibility for finance in our company and everything related to it (sometimes not so. In parallel to the activities in the field of finance, it was a very interesting experience to build and run a completely new team for reporting and BI / QlikView. This challenge was soon replaced by another, even bigger one: transformation and integration of the entire "FI" from the RWE environment into the FPT group and ensuring of everything related to it.

I am responsible for: Finance - controlling - reporting - budgeting - contracts - back office.

The most amazing part of my job is: The one I don't have to do anymore, because I systematically solved it "yesterday".

The biggest challenge I faced: The transformation and integration of the entire "FI" from the RWE environment into the FPT group.

The most memorable moment in my career: It is connected with the transformation and integration of the "FI" from the RWE environment into the FPT group.

I expect people to: Everyone will do their job as if they were doing it for themselves, or for your company.

When leading people I consider important: Fairness.

When I’m not working: Then I'm working on something else… And when I'm not really working, I'm cycling or solving construction details and puzzles or broadening my horizons.
