FPT rozdáva zážitky na Night of Chances IT

FPT rozdáva zážitky na Night of Chances IT

Jednou z najväčších IT akcií tohto roka pre študentov a mladých ľudí, ktorých zaujíma práca v IT, je bezpochyby kariérny event  Night of Chances IT. Okrem množstva zaujímavých ľudí, pracovných ponúk či firiem sa môžeš na pôde FEI STU v Bratislave, v stredu 22. 3. 2023 o 17.00 hod., stretnúť aj s našimi kolegami z Fpt Slovakia, ktorí ti predstavia spoločnosť a aktuálne rozpracované projekty. Navyše, trom šťastlivcom darujú zážitok v podobe bezkonkurenčných lístkov na hudobný festival LOVESTREAM 2023, kde to rozbalí aj jedna v súčasnosti z najžiadanejších kapiel IMAGINE DRAGONS.

Jedinečný zážitok, jedinečný kolektív

Keďže FPT je jedinečný zážitok, ktorý si môžeš vychutnávať s priateľmi alebo v jedinečnom kolektíve podobne naladených ľudí, rozhodli sme sa v rámci Night of Chances IT usporiadať súťaž o lístky na letný hudobný festival. Zapojiť sa do súťaže (Štatút súťaže) máš príležitosť aj ty, stačí, ak sa zastavíš v našom štýlovo nadizajnovanom FPT stánku, kde si vytvoríš roztopašné gifko a prezdieľaš ho na svojich sociálnych sieťach. Pred koncom eventu vyžrebujeme troch výhercov, ktorí od nás získajú po dva lístky.

Night of Chances IT zaujme variabilitou

V rámci Night of Chances IT, ktorý nie je len klasickým pracovným veľtrhom, ale aj inovatívnym kariérnym formátom s netradičným konceptom, sa môžeš tešiť aj na náš do špiku vyladený FPT workshop s témou Inteligentná domácnosť. Samozrejme, nájdeš tu aj okrem štandardného priestoru pre prezentáciu spoločnosti ďalšie zaujímavé workshopy pod vedením skúsených expertov, prednášky či diskusie so zástupcami firiem zvučných mien, ako aj speed dating s príležitosťou porozprávať sa s C-level odborníkmi medzi štyrmi očami. Na zahodenie nie je ani príležitosť nadväzovať nové kontakty počas občerstvenia na „afterke“ a my sa už teraz tešíme, že spoznáme množstvo mladých IT talentov.

FPT IT Academy – posuň svoju kariéru na vyšší level

FPT IT Academy – posuň svoju kariéru na vyšší level

Už o pár mesiacov, konkrétne vo februári 2023, odštartuje ďalší ročník vzdelávania prostredníctvom FPT IT Academy. Tentokrát bude štúdium určené pre šikovných ľudí z oblasti Java Development a DevOps, ktorí si chcú prehĺbiť svoje teoretické znalosti, zdokonaliť praktické skúsenosti či naštartovať svoju IT kariéru v FPT Slovakia. Tohtoročnou novinkou je príležitosť zapojiť sa do projektu aj pre českých záujemcov, nakoľko štartuje aj prvý ročník  Akadémie v Českej republike.

Pre úspešných uchádzačov, ktorí sa registrujú do konca decembra, sa v novom roku naskytne šanca zmeniť svoj doterajší život. Dvojmesačné štúdium zamerané na prehĺbenie teoretických i praktických znalostí z oblasti Java Development a DevOps bude od začiatku podporené špičkovými internými i externými lektormi a nadštandardnými vzdelávacími metódami, ktoré spĺňajú tú najvyššiu profesionálnu úroveň.

Neoceniteľnou výhodou tohto projektu je pracovná zmluva od samého začiatku, ktorá akademistom zaručuje pravidelný plat od prvého mesiaca vzdelávania. Tento benefit im umožňuje sústrediť sa výhradne a plnohodnotne na štúdium a zlepšovať požadované zručnosti. Navyše, všetci uchádzači zaregistrovaní do konca decembra, získajú aj sign-on bonus v hodnote 500 eur. Ďalšou nespornou výhodou, hlavne pre cezpoľných záujemcov, je možnosť vzdelávania prostredníctvom Home office.


Akadémia je určená pre všetkých, ktorým učarovala práca s Javou a radi by si sa v tejto oblasti zdokonalili a posunuli tak svoju kariéru na vyšší level. Je to príležitosť aj pre tých, ktorí hľadajú zmenu, zaujímavé výzvy či svieži vietor do plachiet v profesijnom živote.

“Na prijatie do tohto projektu je dôležité splniť niekoľko podmienok registrácie. Jednou zo základných požiadaviek je minimálne ročná skúsenosť s prácou v programovacích jazykoch, ako napr. Java, Kotlin, Python či C# alebo znalosť operačných systémov Windows a Linux. Nevyhnutným predpokladom je aj aspoň ročná skúsenosť s programovaním a skriptovaním,“ približuje podmienky registrácie recruiterka Dominika Spišáková. Samozrejmosťou je plynulá angličtina, avšak znalosť nemeckého jazyka je veľkou výhodou. Chuť vzdelávať sa a učiť sa nové technológie tiež nesmú chýbať v potrebnej výbave budúcich absolventov FPT IT Academy.


Na Akadémii sme sa stretli perfektná partia a okrem neoceniteľných poznatkov a vedomostí som získal aj skvelých parťákov do voza i do koča. Vždy som túžil uplatniť sa v  spoločnosti, ktorá ocení moju snahu a posunie ma na profesijnom rebríčku vpred. Prostredníctvom Akadémie sa mi to podarilo, stal som sa plnohodnotným členom FPT rodiny, v ktorej pracujem už vyše 5 rokov. Pridanou hodnotou pre mňa je, že sa nikdy nenudím, pretože neustále pracujem na projektoch, ktoré mi otvárajú nové obzory,“ prezrádza absolvent Akadémie Marek.

„Pridanou hodnotou projektu je, že čas seniorov využívame efektívne, keďže učia veľkú skupinu ľudí naraz a nie v priebehu roka, keď postupne prichádzajú do firmy. Máme možnosť vychovať si ľudí pre naše potreby, čo nám uľahčuje proces zaradenia do produkcie,“ objasňuje Martin Petrík manažér programu FPT Akadémie.


Po zdarnom absolvovaní Akadémie sa úspešní absolventi naplno včlenia do pracovného procesu na zaujímavých úlohách pod vedením skúsených mentorov. Záleží potom už len na ich šikovnosti, ako sa bude ich kariéra vyvíjať, nakoľko spoločnosť Fpt Slovakia dokáže potenciál a snahu svojich zamestnancov oceniť, a to nielen formou množstva benefitov, ale aj úspešným kariérnym postupom. Každý má šancu a príležitosť uspieť a prehlbovať svoje zručnosti či znalosti. Svedčí o tom aj počet zamestnancov, ktorí sa stali súčasťou spoločnosti prostredníctvom podobných vzdelávacích kurzov. Ide o 20 až 36 ľudí ročne v závislosti od technológie, pre ktorú sa hľadajú.

Prihlás sa na FPT IT Akadémiu na Slovensku.

Prihlás sa na FPT IT Akadémiu do Čiech.


Become an SAP Expert in a Team of Senior Consultants and Developers

Become an SAP Expert in a Team of Senior Consultants and Developers

For all those who want to become SAP consultants or ABAP developers, we are opening our years-proven FPT SAP Academy.

The academy is suitable for graduating students and university graduates, but also for those who are looking for a change and are not afraid of new challenges. It is an ideal opportunity to learn something new, or enter the world of IT and start a whole new career. Candidate requirements include knowledge of English or German and analytical thinking. In the case of ABAP developers, knowledge of the programming language is also required.

"I recommend the SAP Academy to anyone who wants to break into the world of SAP, but has no or only minimal experience. It's a great opportunity.“ Marek, ABAP developer, graduate, February 2017

Apply by March 1, 2022 and after a successful interview and signing a contract, external and internal mentors will work with you for two months and teach you everything important for working in this area. During the academy you will understand what SAP is, how its individual modules differ and what the work of an SAP consultant or ABAP developer involves. After graduating from the academy, you will be working on a project under the guidance of a mentor with a smooth career advancement ahead of you.

"I definitely recommend the Academy. It gives you the opportunity to change your work focus, work on yourself and meet new people.“ Andrej, SAP Consultant, graduate, September 2021

As motivation, we give you sign-on bonus vo výške 500 EUR of course, a great team. As a matter of fact, there is also language training or unlimited access to the Udemy for business e-learning platform.

More than 55 colleagues have already completed the Academy at FPT, and you can be one of them.

Are you still hesitating? This is how our colleagues / graduates will convince you:

„We were a super team at the academy. We had great lecturers who taught us the basis from each module, we got an overview and based on that we could choose which module we would like to continue with." Julka, SAP consultant, graduate, April 2019

"Without FPT SAP Academy, I probably would never have gotten into programming as a profession." David, ABAP developer, graduate April 2019

Tools Support Services

Tools Support Services

Care for support and stability of applications throughout their life cycle.

Each application has its own life cycle, during which it is exposed to a number of different factors. In individual phases, there is a mutual interaction with the user, there are changes in customer requirements, application is improved and updated, or data migrated.

Ensuring the support and stability of dozens of customer applications throughout their entire life cycle is the task of the 11-member team at FPT Slovakia, which operates within the Tools Support service.

"The team was established in 2011 and has been constantly expanding since then, which is proof of the quality of our work and customer satisfaction. The increasing number of managed applications gives us room for variability of tasks within the team, growth and expansion of knowledge," says Kamil Sagan, Team Leader responsible for Integration, Collaboration & Quality Solutions.

Responsibility for applications from start to finish

The team is responsible for the administration and maintenance of applications from the moment of their creation or deployment (on server, cloud or on-premise), through configuration, maintenance, upgrade to possible replacement or decommissioning of the application. Part of the portfolio of services provided is also ensuring the stability of applications when migrating customer data to the cloud.

Support is provided for a wide range of applications and tools, namely collaboration tools i. e. tools for support of the collaboration (eg MURAL, Confluence, Mentimeter or Slack), application performance monitoring tools, file sharing and transfer tools (eg Quatrix), project management applications (eg Trello, Planview Enterprise One), workflow management tools (eg JIRA), CI / CD tools (eg Nexus, Bitbucket) and many others.

The growing portfolio brings new opportunities

"Working in the Tools Support team is very dynamic, with primary customers mainly from Germany and the United Kingdom. The cooperation takes place in agile teams, together we provide professional service for more than 7,000 users in dozens of different applications that we cover,” explains Kamil Sagan.

Since January 2022, the FPT IT Academy has been running at FPT Slovakia. Its goal is to train future employees, including the Tools Support team. Due to the constantly expanding catalogue of managed applications, those interested in IT education or hobbies and experience with application management, working with databases, proxy server and knowledge of German and English in FTP Slovakia will certainly find their application. prihlás sa na otvorenú pozíciu do 30.11.2021.

Outsystems Low Code Platform

Outsystems Low Code Platform

Which application development platforms do you know? In 2020, several of our colleagues at FPT Slovakia participated in the Outsystems Low Code training, the aim of which was to gain experience in a new field and expand our company's portfolio. The end of the intensive training was an exam, the result of which was obtaining the “Outsystems Associate Web Developer” certification. Such an expansion of the company's horizons enables the company to constantly improve and also the opportunity to offer new and better solutions for regular as well as new customers.

What Is Low-Code?

Low-code is a software development approach based on visually creating an application, mostly through a GUI with minimal need for manual code writing. This approach has been very popular in recent years because it allows relatively fast application development and allows people with different levels of experience and knowledge to work on developing the same application. Thus, the term Low-code platform refers to any platform that allows us to develop such applications. One of these platforms is the already mentioned Outsystems Low-code platform.

Low-Code vs. No-Code

Maybe you've met also with the term No-Code. No-code works on a very similar principle, except with one fundamental difference. With this approach, absolutely no coding knowledge or experience is required. Everything is solved on the principle of visual development, either by creating certain sequences / flowcharts, or by interfacing different tools using APIs and the like. You can learn more about the no-code approach and the tools that support this approach at NoCodeDev and Nocode.tech.

Something About The Outsystems Platform

Outsystems low-code platform is one of the leading platforms used to create and manage web and mobile applications. Applications are created mainly visually, by drag and drop functions, but it is also possible to add your own code in various programming languages such as. C #, Java, HTML, CSS or JavaScript.

Initially, the user creates an account to which he is assigned a personal Cloud in the Outsystems platform, on which the applications are stored and ready for deployment. The actual creation of the application takes place in the Outsystems Service Studio. Here the user can choose from pre-prepared sample applications (1 - 2) or create his own application from scratch (3).

Figure 1 – Welcome screen when creating a new project


Figure 2 – Pre-prepared application templates


Figure 3 – Selecting type of application that the user wants to create

The user can then define the data model (2.1), business logic (2.2), processes and graphical environment (2.3) of the application. All of this can be created with simple functions or for the more talented programmers with the help of code - for example, SQL when working with a database or HTML and CSS when creating a web application. This is a great advantage and allows cooperation of e.g. designers and programmers who, in other, more traditional cases of development, might not fully understand the appearance and functionality of the application.

Figure 4– Example of a data model of a sample web application


Figure 5 – Example of one of the logical functions of a sample web application


Figure 6– Example of a graphical environment of a sample web application


Outsystems Low-code platform is an excellent choice for creating websites for all types of devices, whether it is e-commerce applications, movie databases or any internal tool needed for a more efficient operation of the company. It allows you to quickly and efficiently create an application with minimal or no need for traditional code writing and simplifies the administration process, as many of these things are taken care of by the provider. You can learn more about the platform and how it works on the Outsystems website..

Good and Bad

It might seem that this approach to development has minimal or even no disadvantages, which is to some extent true, but as with everything, there are a few to be found here. One of them is e.g. that while this form of development is more accessible to novices or people with minimal experience, long-term developers accustomed to looking at lines and lines of traditional code may have a problem with the graphical environment, which can be limiting for many. Some people simply prefer to do everything from scratch.

It is also worth mentioning the fact that thanks to similar technologies, the number of people needed to create and maintain such an application is significantly reduced. What a small team would be needed for with a traditional approach can be done by two people without any problems. There are, of course, arguments on both sides. For a company, this represents a cost reduction, but for some positions this fact may be an existential issue. What do you think about the use of low-code platforms?
