Aké je meno Tvojho psa za slobodna?

Aké je meno Tvojho psa za slobodna?

  1. Snáď poznáte odpoveď na túto alebo podobnú bezpečnostnú otázku, ktorú ste si nastavili pred 10 rokmi pre svoj primárny mailbox. Ak ste sa tomuto vyhli, je to jednoduché, stačí predsa kliknúť na „Zabudnuté heslo“. Ako často sa vám stáva, že pri prihlasovaní sa na webstránku, ktorú vyslovene len pred Vianocami, kliknete na tento odkaz?
  2. Garantujem však, že tento úkon sa nedeje kvôli tomu, že máte na danej stránke nastavené v konte heslo v dĺžke 12 znakov, ktoré sú kombináciou veľkých, malých písmen, čísel a špeciálnych znakov. (BTW – odporúčam sa tohto pravidla pre heslá držať).
  3. Skôr sa to deje preto, lebo ste v momente, keď ste sa zaregistrovali, chceli mať samotný proces registrácie čím skôr za sebou. Preto ste len narýchlo naťukali také heslo, ktoré splnilo požiadavky servera a v tom momente ste na neho aj zabudli.
  4. Bezpečnosť na webe a vôbec v IT je (minimálne) pre laickú verejnosť veľké fuj. Hoci sme v 21. storočí a používame čoraz viac zariadení pripojených na internet, na bezpečnosť ako keby kašleme.
  5. Je to skutočne zvláštne, pretože byty a domy si chránime bezpečnostnými dverami, ktoré budú čochvíľa vybavené senzorom na náš telesný pach, do áut si montujeme blokovacie zariadenia a IP kamery máme osadené v každom rohu okolo domu, kde lastovičky ešte nemajú hniezdo.
  6. Avšak na internete, kde častokrát v danom účte zdieľame citlivé informácie ako meno, bydlisko, či dokonca kreditnú kartu, nás nejako pocit bezpečnosti nezaujíma.
  7. Žijeme pritom v dobe, kedy sú vydierané nadnárodné spoločnosti (Maersk), nemocnice úplne paralyzované (Fakultní nemocnice Brno) a krypto burzy pol roka po hackerskom útoku priznajú, že boli ukradnuté dáta zo 400 účtov (Crypto.com).
  8. Zdá sa vám to príliš vzdialené? A čo tak prosperujúci scamming biznis, ktorého ročný obrat predstavuje $20 miliárd zarobených na predstieraní volajúceho agenta, že Amazon, Microsoft či McAffee vám omylom naúčtovali viac než mali?
  9. Nezabudnime aj na takmer každodenné pokusy o phishing – coming soon to a CEO near you. Myslíte si, že sa nenachytáte? Ste na omyle. Inak by Vás Bazoš po každom pridaní inzerátu neupozorňoval, že žiadna služba „Bazoš kuriér“ neexistuje. Inak by každá banka na Slovensku nemala aspoň raz za mesiac kampaň upozorňujúcu na falošné stránky ich internet bankingu.
  10. Ak je téma IT bezpečnosti vo vašej firme rovnako dôležitá ako dotazník týkajúci sa miesta konania vianočného večierka, s najväčšou pravdepodobnosťou spadnete do pasce hackerom.
  11. IT bezpečnosť musí byť priorita. A hlavne pre každého z nás. Spoločne potom vieme nasmerovať našich zamestnávateľov, rodiny a spoločnosť k vyššiemu povedomiu o tejto téme a považovať overenie SMS kódom pri prihlasovaní za samozrejmú vec.
Call náš každodenný

Call náš každodenný

1. Takmer 365 dní v roku (Microsoft 365 – pun intended) využívame, či už na prácu alebo do školy, jeden z produktov mikrosoftvérovej firmy, zvaný Teams.

2. Pre niektorých z nás sa stal neodmysliteľnou súčasťou nášho života a dnes, v roku 3 A.C. (after corona), sme už možno aj zabudli na časy, kedy sa tento pojem neomieľal každý jeden deň.

3. Samozrejme, jedná sa len o jeden z množiny takýchto nástrojov. So svojimi rovesníkmi Zoom a Webex, majú však spoločnú minimálne jednu vec – je to primárny spôsob, ako v tejto dobe verbálne komunikujeme s kolegami, učiteľmi, kamarátmi a ostatnými ľudskými bytosťami.

4. Keď sa pozrieme na dáta, hneď vieme identifikovať, kedy aj záujem o tento nástroj exponencionálne rástol spoločne s počtom COVIDových vĺn, logdvánov a dĺžkou hodín vyhradených pre seniorov.

5. Naučili sme sa, ako si nezapnúť mikrofón, prelepiť kameru, vytvoriť ozvenu ako v Grand Canyon, aby poriadne odpálilo každému headset a samozrejme, čarovnú frázu „Musím ísť na ďalší call, majte sa”, aby sme si zachovali dôstojnosť a nevyzerali ako totálni amatéri.

6. V skutočnosti sa však len stačí pozrieť pod kapotu a dozvieme sa, že Teams nie je až taký otrasný ako sa na prvý pohľad zdá. Možno nás ani tie mesačné odmeny v petrošekeloch od Billa Gatesa nakoniec nebudú tak páliť vo vrecku, keď sa naučíme tento komunikátor ovládať.

7. V tomto stĺpčeku nebudem vašu pozornosť priťahovať pútavým titulkom o 5 trikoch, ktoré určite MUSÍTE vedieť, len si v skratke povieme o fintách, za ktoré sa potom nemusíme hanbiť. V prvom rade, keď sa vám už zunúva pozerať sa na jednu tvár, stačí kliknúť na tri bodky v okne hovoru a pohrať sa s možnosťami zobrazenia – Together mode napr. celkom milo využila basketbalová NBA počas play-offs v roku 2020.

8. Ak sa neviete dostať k slovu, stačí dať v hornej lište packu smajlíkovi a „zdvihnúť ruku” – ktovie, možno sa pošťastí a opäť o týždeň si to niekto všimne. Samozrejme, môžete vyjadriť aj inú emóciu, alebo skutočne zvýrazniť to, ako sa aj na kamere tvárite. Čo už určite poznáte, je nastavenie si vlastného pozadia alebo využívanie chatového okna na ohováranie niekoho, kto práve na calle chýba.

9. Počas nikdy nekončiacich školení pomôže možnosť si meeting nahrávať, či rozdeliť účastníkov do tzv. breakout rooms, nech sa hrajú na vlastnom piesočku. A nezabúdajte – ak ste organizátor callu, dokážete dať kohokoľvek na mute, či sa im to páči alebo nie. Veď ako sa vraví – Silence is golden.

10. Poznáte aj vy nejaké nuansy Microsoft Teams? Podeľte sa o nich s nami nižšie v komentároch alebo nám prezraďte najbizarnejšiu vec, ktorá sa vám počas niektorého callu stala. A nezabúdajte – lepšie je sa pekne v stoličke vystrieť, pozerať sa do kamery, mikrofón headsetu si zložiť z čela k ústam, a hlavne sa vždy usmievať.

Just smile and wave

How to start with Smart Home #2 – Smart lighting

How to start with Smart Home #2 – Smart lighting

In the first part of the series How to live smart #1 you learned what the notion smart home means and how we as a society got o this phenomenon 

Do you want to find out what benefits can smart home bring to your everyday life? Then you’re on the right address. This article represents the beginning of a guide/handbook, how to enter the world of smart home. Naturally, it is only one of many perspectives on this topic and that’s why I recommend everyone to spend a bit of time to research what the market offers. I think, that the concept of intelligent lighting is known even to a total lay person Since we’re talking about my personal experience, in this article I will focus on smart bulbs themselves and how I began to transform my home with them to a smart one.  

#how to get a smart bulb 

The most common and currently accessible brand of intelligient bulbs is the well-know Philips Hue. The brand is exactly not only smart bulbs, but a whole system of smart lighting. It functions on a quite simple principle. In your starter package, you will find the bulbs, a remote control and also a very important piece - the Hue Bridge. It is truly a „bridge“, which connects to your Wi-Fi router and allows the bulb to operate. The reason it’s so important is the fact, that communication between bulbs and e.g. your smartphone doesn’t happen via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, but via a communication protocol called ZigBee. To explain, your smartphone connects to the bridge via Wi-Fi which then controls the bulbs via ZigBee. It has a long range, but low speed, which means it’s ideal to operate networks for devices like bulbs, power outlets, light sensors, windows sensors etc.

In order to get started, you do not really need anything else besides the bulbs, the bridge and your smartphone. After connecting your bridge and its initial configuration, you only need to download the Philips Hue app and change the old bulbs for new, smart ones. Then we just follow the guide – which takes us through a firmware update, introduces the user interface of the Hue app and finally lets us pair a remote control with a specific bulb. 

#what makes a bulb smart? 

So what then makes this system, i.e. lighting smart? There are many answers, however based on my experience, I would group them into the following categories, which I’ll explain: 

Lighting with a Hue bulb is no longer analogue (i.e. on vs. off state)
The intelligent bulb can achieve quite a lot – change its temperature, intensity and in some cases even color. The Switch itself for each lighting fixture remains in the „on“ state. 

We can control the lighting from anywhere
Exactly as you’re reading – it does not matter where you are. Through Philips‘ cloud, you can control your lighting, all you need is an internet connection. This may come useful for example in cases when you forget to turn off the light after leaving your home. 

Teach your lighting „habits“ or make it dependant on other actions od iného javu
What’s worth noting in this category is the function of the so-called sunrise and sundown. You can adjust the lighting in order to gradually turn-on/off the light at a particular time (e.g. 6AM) and therefore simulate the sun’s behaviour. Definitely helpful for people who simply can’t get out of bed during winter. 

How would you image using smart lighting? Let us know in the comments below. 

In the next part of our smart home series of articles, we’ll look into the world of personal assistants such as Alexa, Google Home or Siri. 

How to live Smart #1

How to live Smart #1

We at Fpt Slovakia have been working in the area of smart home for several years. Now we have decided to present it from a different angle. Tomáš has prepared a series, in which he will be continuously introducing the secrets of an intelligent household to you. You will learn what smart means and we will also include the term Internet of Things and tell you where and how to start with solutions for an efficient home.


Surely many of you remember, or even still use landlines. At a time when almost every household had them, they were an inseparable friend. They connected us with the outside world, with family, acquaintances, authorities, customers. They carried out their mission bravely. We were able to hear and speak to the person on the other side of the line. And nothing more (Unless I also include playing Crash Bandicoot inMaxihra). 

If this fact is still not limiting enough for you, then may I remind you that during the phone call, we could not perform any other activity. Mainly due to the length of the cable and the need to hold the phone next to your ear. Later, with the arrival of dial-up up internet, we couldn't even make phone calls and surf the web at the same time!

With the arrival of mobile phones (although the first ones could even be used as a tool for self-defense), we added a new dimension to telephoning. We didn't have to be in one place on a given time and we could be reached everywhere provided that there was a mobile signal. However, the mobile phone continued to perform mainly its primary function, telephoning.  


Nevertheless, we were not unhappy for very long, because with the arrival of the internet, the so-called smartphonesstarted to appear. Thanks to the possibility of connecting to the internet, they have opened the door for us to do everything that the phone actually "does not serve" 😊. We can read the news, check the weather forecast, share photos with friends and not to mention a million other things. 


It is important to realize that with the arrival of smartphones, we suddenly held the first piece of our smart home. That is, until the moment we realize that we will not actually do much smart at home with this clever piece of aluminum, plastic and glass. However, the concept is clear. We have a device that opens the door to possibilities by connecting to the internet. So why not do it with a refrigerator, for example?

#internet of_things

And so, after three lengthy paragraphs, we get to the heart of the matter, a smart home. By deducing from the example of the telephone, it is already clear to us that by adding an internet connection to a device, we can use it much better, more diversely and more efficiently. It doesn't matter if it's a washing machine, refrigerator, toaster or rice cooker. In fact, the term partnership home is a subset of the increasingly well-known term Internet of Things. It describes a network of physical devices (things) that, thanks to sensors, software and other technologies, can connect and exchange data with other devices via the internet. 

In 2018, there were an estimated 10 billion "connected devices",connected devices" in the world, i.e. devices connected to the internet. This number is expected to exceed 64 billion in 2025. What devices are involved? These are mainly partnership light bulbs, thermostats, security systems (cameras, various sensors and alarms), and large appliances such as washing machines and refrigerators. Last but not least, assistants also belong to this group. Namely Alexa, Siri or "Hey Google", which in most households connect these devices under one roof in the form of an application such as Apple HomeKit. Interestingly enough, last year these technology giants (Apple, Google, Amazon) formed partnership for a mutual communication of the individual smart home products. 

Smart home, or smart home devices can make our lives a lot easier. Illuminate the corridor with a dim light, but also save money, for example by timing the air conditioning or heating correctly so that energy is not wasted.


After such a surge of information, only one question remains - how to start? You’ll find the answer for this question in the next article of this series. 
